
Young Changemakers

Re-imagining mental health in the black community

Young people from Black and Black mixed heritage across the UK were given opportunities to participate in social action and decision making in mental health for their communities​.

Children in need

Children and young people identify the difference that they would like to make in their community and with support and guidance plan a campaign and or organise an event.

Youth organised projects

We’d like to recognise the initiative of our younger members.
They have organised the following activities:

  • Mental health questionnaire
  • Mental health workshops- hosted workshops for people to discuss the support for mental health and how they think the support system could improve while offering support and advice.
  • Attend Luton youth festival- young people attended a Local authority planned youth festival for youth and youth organisations.
  • Luton V1 form College Career’s Faire & The Employability Skills Day- Young changemakers attended the careers faire to promote our youth social action projects including the young changemakers program.
  • Fundraise
  • Plan a clean up of their local community.

Diabetes Awareness Program

National diabetes Awareness Week: 10th – 16th June

Our diabetes program is an extension of our weekly health and well-being sessions.

Type 2 diabetes is higher amongst BME communities than it is amongst the white population. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in black Caribbean people is alarmingly high and this program is to support the community with:

Diet: Offer practical help and demonstration on how to make healthy and tasty meals.

Movement: A weekly walking club will start after Easter for those who are mobile.

During National diabetes week join us for a series of cook and sample meals that promotes healthy eating and how to make Caribbean food nutritious and tasty.

Look out for more information.

Employability Skills Program

The course can be delivered online or in person and is aimed at those entering the workforce for the first time such as young people, migrants or adults who have been absent from the work force due to caring responsibilities. The aim of the course is to:

• Understand what is expected of you when you are at work.
• Recognise the skills and qualities that are important in the workplace.
• Identify the things you are good at that are valued by employers.
• Decide what you need to work on and improve.
• Think about what you are going to do next.

What is employability?

Employability has been defined as: “a set of attributes, skills and knowledge that all labour market participants should possess to ensure they have the capability of being effective in the workplace-to the benefit of themselves, their employer and the wider economy.